Make homes low energy

Making homes low carbon and energy pays off.

This is best achieved by considering homes as energy systems, rather than parts in isolation.

Our software helps domestic new build and retrofit designers make fast and high quality decisions to make homes energy efficient and future-proof.
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The Home Energy Model

Future-proof foundations with the future UK energy modelling standard
Measure thermal comfort with the Home Energy Model
June 6, 2024

The Home Energy Model calculates half hourly operative temperature. This ensures data-driven design decisions that consider occupant comfort.

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How has the Home Energy Model been validated?
June 5, 2024

We cover how the Home Energy Model has been validated against dynamic energy model ESP-r and PHPP, and results of real world building studies.

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Why the Home Energy Model matters
May 23, 2024

The Home Energy Model (HEM) will become the standard for home energy modelling from 2025. We cover how HEM is different and why this matters.

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Design low energy homes with Vulcan

Vulcan uses the Home Energy Model for fast and precise home energy design
Precise sub-hourly analysis
Intuitive user experience
Time saving automations


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Unlimited model creation
Full modelling featureset
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Voyager - coming soon
Full export control
Portfolio mode
PI and PL insurance
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Custom integrations
White label customer portal
Dedicated support
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Work with us

The retrofit revolution

A checklist assessment

Retrofit advisors

Delight customers with fast and
affordable retrofits using our software
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A manufacturing production line


Scale production and access new
markets with our tailored support
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Why use us

Prioritise the right work and avoid mistakes

Well designed retrofits balance 'fabric improvements' that reduce energy waste, with 'system upgrades' that decarbonise heating and generation.

Wrong choices have consequences. A heat pump retrofit in an inefficient older property is a missed opportunity to invest instead in long term efficiency upgrades.

We simulate the impact of improvements to enable good retrofit decisions

  • Modelling-driven: We use energy modelling to tailor a retrofit roadmap to each home

  • Reliable quotes: We use specs and pricing data to quickly get a reliable quote

  • Verified: Understand available financing, subsidies and carbon credits

Use our software

early access

✔ Use our product on your projects

✔ Feedback at earliest stages

✔ Lifetime discount
London, United Kingdom
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